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Just a few days away from the anniversary of his triumph at the elections, American President Donald Trump has only proven that – irrevocably? – he only serves himself and his “principles”, and thus, based on all available information, he is incapable of ruling a country, lest of all, one as diverse as the United States .
The sentence isn't biased; it's grounded in the fact that after months of “ruling” the most powerful nation in the world, the mogul's attitudes and behavior, his messages and tone, as well as the essence of his “public policies” – loaded with racism , protectionism, and ancient economic methods already proven to be inefficient – have left as a consequence the most divided, violent, disgraced, and closed-off United States in recent history.
Naturally, we cannot blame the man alone, since – paradoxically – nothing of the above is new in the U.S.; it all has been breeding out of the ignorance, frustration, and poverty of thousands of Americans which Trump has known how to turn to his advantage and encourage to reinforce his meager group of core supporters.
Regardless, the current chaos in the White House isn't only because of Trump's ideology, but also due to his ignorance on politics and on how to relate to anyone who thinks differently from him – a fact which goes against the essence of a politician. His unfamiliarity on matters of public policy and his attacks against members of his own party have even wounded his fellow Republicans.
And the exact same thing happens on an international scale, where, in the middle of a power readjustment with China and Russia , he has cast doubt on the boasted moral integrity of the United States regarding environmental issues, global warming, human rights, science, and immigration.
Trump is an inexperienced politician and president, troublesome and divisive but surprisingly enough, he continues to be reliable for his core supporters. Nevertheless, with a 32% approval rating, the businessman has set a new record-low only comparable to Richard Nixon and George W. Bush.
The Trump administration still has a long way to go, so we can take nothing for granted; however, the only certainty we have is the President will continue to face challenges, both in the domestic and international arenas, such as the results of the midterm elections, the Russiagate scandal, the NAFTA renegotiation, and many more.
We'll have to wait and see how he overcomes all of the above.