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The National Union of Mills and Tortillas ( Unimtac ) plans to increase the price between MXN$1.50 and MXN$3 per kilogram since gas, electricity, and maize prices are rising as well.
People in the tortilla business who import large quantities of maize and corn have been affected by the increase in the price of the U.S. currency against the Mexican peso as well.
Thus, Lorenzo Mejía Morales , President of Unimtac , announced that tortilla kilogram will reach MXN$17 in some states during the first weeks of 2018 while the tortilla price will stand at MXN$11.50 in others.
The price will vary depending on the minimum wage of the region, consequently, the price will be lower in areas where the minimum wage is lower, thus the tortilla price in Mexico City and the State of Mexico will be greater.
( Unión Nacional de Industriales de Molinos y Tortillas ) comprises more than 80,000 tortillerías (shops that produce and sell freshly made tortillas) and mills in the country.