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Yurini García is a former Architecture student from the UNAM. She decided to set up an altar to pay homage to her mother, a survivor of the 1968 massacre. She says it was a very personal experience and that she wanted to pay homage to her mother, her friends, and all the other victims.
Noelia Cruz and Edgar Jiménez, from the Architecture Faculty, decided to use butterflies in their design, as a Purepecha myth. from Michoacán, says that they are the spirit of the loved ones.
All the altars pay homage to those who have died in the name of freedom, all those massacred by the Mexican government on October 2, 1968, and the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa.
This and other stories are told by the altars set up at the Plaza de Santo Domingo, in Mexico City's Historic Center. You can visit the exhibition until November 4.