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Alejandro Encinas
, Deputy Interior Minister, informed that yesterday there was an acquittal of three alleged suspects in the Ayotzinapa case , who will be released.
In the opening of the “International Forum: Human Rights Attorney Generals,” the officer informed that Samuel Ventura Ramos, a judge in Tamaulipas , absolved Oziel Benítez, Carlos Canto Salgado, and Raúl Javier Crespo from their charges on organized crime and kidnap.
He added that Oziel Benítez was released yesterday and the other two suspects will be released today.
The deputy detailed that judge Ventura Ramos argued violations to the human rights of the defendants for which he granted their freedom; among the irregularities would be acts of torture and delays in the procedure.
He made reference to the case of Carlos Canto Salgado , for some months ago a video was released in which he was interrogated by Carlos Gómez Arrieta , deputy of Security of the state of Michoacán while being tortured .
Alejandro Encinas lamented that in just one month, judge Ventura Ramos released 29 people linked to the Ayotzinapa case, so now there are only 64 persons arrested
“I’m aware that there were really serious problems in the integration of the investigation of the PGR, that there were illegal practices such as torture , but this kind of resolutions leave us in the worst case: on one hand, it damages the right of the victims , and on the other, it does not punish those who engaged in omissions,” he said.