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The Linden Museum, in Stuttgart, Germany , is one of the most important ethnological museums in Europe , and it's preparing an exhibition, Aztecs , a high profile show about the Pre-Hispanic civilization. It will take place from October 12, 2019 , to May 3, 2020.
Over 100 pieces
from the Anthropology and History Museum and the Templo Mayor Museum in Mexico City will be flown to Stuttgart . Other Aztecs pieces that belong to different European museums will also travel to Germany for the exhibition.
The Mexican ambassador in Germany, Rogelio Granguillhome , and Petra Olschowski, the Vice-minister of the Science, Investigation and Art Ministry from the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, signed a letter of intent between the National Anthropology and History Institute ( INAH ) and the Linden Museum last Friday.
The exhibition has the support of the Baden-Württemberg government and its encouraged by Dr. Inés de Castro , an expert in Mesoamerican cultures, and Director of the Linden Museum. At the same time, the exhibition will rely on the advice from the archeologist , Eduardo Matos Moctezuma.
Also, Inés de Castro explained that this exhibition will be unique because they will also display rare and unknown Aztec pieces that are in important European museums. The Linden Museum director hopes that the exhibition presents this great civilization in its historical and cultural context to an all-ages public.
In the center of the exhibition will be the two feather shield and a jade figure owned by Württemberg's State Museum , which has never been presented in the context of the Aztec culture.
The exhibition will consist of stone sculptures, ceramics, mosaics, gold objects, illustrated manuscripts , among other pieces, that will show the splendor and richness of the Aztec Empire.
The exhibition will also show the latest results of the research , for example, recent and unknown discoveries about the Templo Mayor.
Later, the exhibition will travel to Vienna , Austria and to Leiden , Netherlands .
This is the second time an exhibition about the Aztecs is presented in Germany . In 2003 , the exhibition The Aztecs was very well received among the German public , which was shown in the Martin-Gropius-Bau museum in Berlin, and in the Art and Exhibitions Hall of the Federal Republic of Bonn.