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“Me parece una película todo esto que vivimos”; Marino Arturo Zacarías relata el fin de su pesadilla a manos de rebeldes hutíes
Aumenta 144% detención de niños mexicanos solos que cruzan a EU; su trayecto los convierte en blancos del crimen
El desierto fronterizo entre México y EU un cementerio de documentos; “siempre ves pasaportes rotos aquí”, relatan
For over two days, “ Terminator 6 ” has been filming in the streets of Madrid , recreated to resemble a city in Mexico .
A select number of streets at the Pueblo Nuevo and Lavapiés neighborhoods in Spain's capital city have been transformed to feature taco restaurants, fruit stands, and pink cabs. The production team has switched the names of several shops in this area and replaced Spanish license plates for Mexican ones to add more realism.
The almost 500 extras were either Latin American in origin or Spanish with dark hair and olive skin. The Newspaper EL PAÍS published the statements of a crew member who claimed the production company decided to shoot in Madrid instead of Mexico after the murder in 2017 of location manager Carlos Muñóz Portal who was attacked in the State of Mexico while he was searching for a location to shoot Netflix's Narcos .
“Before they used to film in Mexico but a filmmaker was killed and no one dares to go there anymore,” quotes the Spanish newspaper from an anonymous crew member.
City of Madrid Film Office, the local office created this year to promote the city as a cinematographic location, didn't mention to EL UNIVERSAL if this was the real reason why the production company chose Spain. Instead, the Office told us that Madrid offers many advantages to filmmakers, regardless of the conditions in other countries.
However, sources close to the production state choosing Spain was more of a logistics reason, considering they are set to shoot in Hungary next.
“Terminator 6” is expected to be released at the end of 2019 and stars Mackenzie Davis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Linda Hamilton , among others.