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The excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is known to trigger several illnesses and oxidative stress in body cells.
However, a recent study conducted by Mexican scientist Jorge Alejandro Aguirre Joya for his MBA thesis at the Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAC) shows that tequila , when combined with nutshells , provides the antioxidants needed to slow down the aging of human cells.
In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL , Aguirre Joya mentioned that “the investigation was born under the premise of offering consumers a product with health benefits. Though the idea is not to encourage the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, I sought to offer a wide range of products for customers to enjoy while reaping health benefits.”
Although the study has been subject to laboratory testing only, the results have shown that drinking tequila with nut shells can slow down aging by up to 50% , depending on the organism.
Furthermore, the investigator Jorge Alejandro Aguirre mentioned that he chose to work with tequila because it had become an extremely popular beverage both locally and internationally.
The investigator from the University of Coahuila plans to start mass production of the innovative product that promises to slow down aging by up to 50%.
Jorge Alejandro Aguirre Joya graduated with honors from an MBA program on Food Science and Technology in 2013 at the Autonomous University of Coahuila.
In 2015, he received the Ocelotl Award in the social commitment category.