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Magistrado Reyes Rodríguez propone validar registros de aspirantes con promedio inferior a 8; excluirlos es “estigmatizante”, señala
The Mexican Tax Administration (SAT) informed that Mexicans will now be able to issue tax invoices with a value added tax (IVA) of merely 8% in states near the U.S. border , unlike the 16% standard in the rest of the country .
The administration assured that both the free SAT application and certification providers are prepared for the new tax measure.
The suppliers have all the elements necessary to issue tax invoices with an IVA of 8%.
Meanwhile, SAT taxpayers may access the “user-friendly” billing application and the free invoice generation service in their online portal .
The 8% tax invoice will only apply to taxpayers that meet specific requirements to enjoy said tax relief.
The Mexican Tax Administration has informed that, as of January 7, certification providers were given a list to validate taxpayers who will be allowed to issue tax invoices at a rate of 8% .
Excessive requirements?
Nevertheless, the Mexican Institute of Public Accountants (IMCP) considered that the list of requirements to access the tax relief was excessive.
“We considered that some of the conditions set for taxpayers who are eligible to apply for the tax relief are excessive,” warned the fiscal vice-president of the IMCP, Mario Morales.