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Mexican high school students
who competed in the 10th Latin American Astronomy and Astronautics Olympiad ( OLAA ), which took place from October 14 to 19 in Ayolas, Paraguay , won gold and silver medals , as well as an honorable mention.
Nancy Ruíz Domínguez
, a high school student at La Salle Bajio campus and Juan Alonso de Torres de León , from Guanajuato, obtained the honorable mention; Alan Poisot Palacios , from the Wexford School, Querétaro, won a silver medal.
Oscar Angulo Flores
, from the Colegio de Bachilleres Hermosillo, won the gold medal. He also received recognition for having the best individual theoretical test, explained Eduardo Mendoza Torres, an Astrophysics researcher from the INAOE .
During this edition, young people from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Panama, Paraguay , and Mexico participated.
Mendoza Torres
added that in our country, the INAOE organizes the National Astronomy Olympiad and various activities to select the delegations who participate in international astronomy Olympiads , including OLAA .
also carries prepares the team, both remotely and during stays made by the selected students at the INAOE facilities in Tonantzintla, Puebla.