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UNAM propone aumento del 4% en salario y 2% en prestaciones a académicos; falta aprobación del personal
Consulados ofrecen a mexicanos en EU talleres para conocer sus derechos; promueven planes ante posibles detenciones
“A resolver”; Senado tiene plan B para elección judicial en caso de que Comité del PJ desacate resolución: Noroña
No hay enfrentamientos en el Poder Judicial: Mónica Soto; defiende denuncia contra juez que frenó actividades del Comité del PJ
Corte detemina que uso de animales para ritos es crueldad animal y debe ser castigado; resolución no viola libertad de culto
“Billy” Álvarez asegura ser un preso político; pide “benevolencia” ante acusaciones de lavado y delincuencia organizada
This Friday, one person was killed and another was injured in a knife attack in Wuppertal , western Germany , announced the police, adding that they were searching for the perpetrator.
“We can confirm there has been a deadly crime . One man has died and another man is in the hospital,” a police spokeswoman told AFP .
The attack occurred in the vicinities of Elberfeld , in Wuppertal.
The news follows two attacks in Finland and Spain .
Hours earlier, in Finland, two people were killed and eight people were injured in a stabbing attack in the southwestern city of Turku where the police arrested a person and they were searching for other possible perpetrators.
On Thursday , at least 3 people were killed and more than a hundred people were injured when a vehicle hit a crowd in Las Ramblas , one of the busiest places in Barcelona .