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South Korea’s government donated six acid nucleic extraction systems for conducting PCR tests to detect COVID-19 .
Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Ministry deputy secretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights Martha Delgada was in charge of the official reception of the donation , which took place at the Foreign Affairs Ministry (SRE).
The equipment will be used at the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE).
The event was also attended by South Korea’s ambassador in Mexico Suh Jeong-in, the ISSSTE’s general director Luis Antonio Ramírez, the executive director of the Mexican Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AMEXCID) Laura Elena Carrillo, the general director of Liaison with the Organizations of the Civil Society Javier Jileta, and the general director of AMEXCID’s Technical and Scientific Cooperation Gustavo Cabrera.
During the ceremony, Mexican and South Korean authorities highlighted the relevance of international cooperation for development in light of the pandemic and of the strengthening of bilateral ties between the Latin American and the Asian country.