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The violence crisis, the insecurity and the crime rates Mexico is going through, that has left dozens of thousands of Mexican families in mourning in the last 12 years , and that has created a decay in society without precedent . The so-called “fight against the crime” has had very little effect on these problems , and it makes a strategy change urgent, one oriented not only to lower the high-impact crime rate and eradicating criminal groups, but it should also conciliate a quite resentful community , with good reason, and very polarized in factions and social class.
In this sense, and given the complexity and magnitude of the challenge that means ending with the series of deaths, animosity and violence that affects entire regions in the country , as well as the dominant criminal logic in these places; a phenomenon that traverses other social problems like marginalization, poverty, and the lack of education and job opportunities. Therefore, the next administration should count with the participation from every sector in society , to carry out this titanic task, this is the only way it can get real results.
But also, any strategy that is used to try and pacify the nation, would have to be built around core ideas and multidisciplinary policies in areas like healthcare, social development, labor and economic development ; applied in a parallel way to the ones related to security, proxy, and justice administration.
Precisely, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the virtual president-elect, proposed that one of the essential axes of his politics will be the pacification of the nation. And looking to consolidate them, he will hold a series of forums that will look to design a strategy for the peace process on August 7 . The inquiries, 40 listening forums in total , practically in every state , especially in places with the highest crime rates, and they will end on November 30 , a day before López Obrador's administration begins.
These listening forums will be open for the community in general . Also, there will be other forums, especially for the victims of disappearances, executions, religious communities, leaders, and experts ; they will also create a digital platform where we can all participate. It was also announced that Pope Francis agreed to take part in the forums, through video conference.
Congratulations on this initiative
, although it couldn't be left out of the next government's most important policies. On the other hand, it's necessary that it's not only announcements and headlines , as it happened before with similar motions. In short, these exercises will hopefully result in a nourished social participation , that's the only way to get to the heart of the problem and we can design, all of us, strategies that become laws and policies that lead to the long-awaited peace.