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Authorities launched an investigation after discovering that judge Jorge Arturo Camero Ocampo and his family had received MXN $20 million and could not provide any receipts and weren't able to verify the provenance of the money .
Moreover, the judge owns real state properties and vehicles with a higher value than what he can afford with his salary . Other irregularities include the acquisition of a property for MXN $17.8 million.
Yesterday, President López Obrador confirmed the judge received a deposit for MXN $80 million.
Before being removed, judge Camero Ocampo was one of the judges handling the amparos filed against the construction of the Santa Lucía airport and issued verdicts to halt the construction and argued in favor of people's right to a clean environment and the right of Indigenous communities to be queried.
On October 10, the President of the Supreme Court, Arturo Zaldívar, announced that Camero Ocampo would be removed indefinitely after finding serious inconsistencies in his finances .