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President López Obrador
announced that a part of the resources obtained from the sale of the presidential plane will be allocated to provide safe drinking water to Zacualtipán , a municipality located in the state of Hidalgo .
While visiting the t own's rural hospita l, people's main demand was safe drinking water since they are only provided with water every 20 days. Then, President López Obrador announced that the resources obtained from the sale of the presidential place will be used to provide water to the community .
“When you hear the presidential plane was sold (…) start thinking that the issue with water will be solved soon,” said the President .
During the event, López Obrador revealed the price of the plane used by former President Enrique Peña Nieto : MXN $7,000 million .
Moreover, President López Obrador announced that the road to Huejutla would be modernized, as well as the local hospital .