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The sacrifice of the national leader
The succession of the national leadership of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) will be no easy thing. In the upcoming weeks, the current national leader of the party, Alejandra Barrales , will step down from her post, and the favorite to succeed her due to the number of supporters he has at a national level is Juan Zepeda , who could also gain the support of the many movements within the party. However, there is a slight problem. According to the party's by-laws, the national leader of the party during election times cannot be the candidate for any post. Thus, if Mr. Juan competes for the post and wins, he will have to make a sacrifice because after the elections he won't be able to go to the Senate or the Chamber of Deputies. Will Zepeda be willing to commit fully to the PRD?
Despite the Ministry of Social Development had confirmed Luis Enrique Miranda was going to attend the ceremony of the 2017 National Youth Award which took place in Mexico City, the Minister did not show up, given that, according to the statements, he was in Chiapas looking into the needs of the state after the earthquake of last September. However, hours later, photographs were uploaded to his Twitter account, showing the Minister celebrating with the laureate youths at a dinner. Oh, Mr. Enrique! What matters is he arrived on time to personally congratulate the youths.
The Senate's pace
We're amazed by the pace kept by the Senate. Out of the 64 legislative commissions within the Higher Chamber, today only one will meet; the Fisheries. The commission is presided by National Action Party (PAN) member Ernesto Ruffo and the whole meeting is about a call which was left pending back in the days when “all united against the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI),” was the thing over the case of the prosecutor's ousting. Our sources in the Senate say the challenge is the responsibility of the president of the Executive Board, PAN member Ernesto Cordero , since he must summon his fellow colleges. Mr. Ernesto could well say he's just a senator, not a magician.
Fool-proofing the National Anti-Corruption System
The Selection Commission of the Members of the Social Participation Committee of the National Anti-Corruption System has improved its candidate requirements to chose the replacement of Commissioner Jacqueline Peschard , who steps down from her post in February 2018. Now, they have established all aspirants must present a written statement declaring they approve to make public the “confidential information” regarding their nomination. And that's not all: the members of the Selection Commission who are in charge of an organization or academic institution will not be able to nominate anyone for the post. We've been told the objective is to foolproof the process to strengthen the core of the National Anti-Corruption System.