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Roma, El ángel, La noche de 12 años, and Los perros
were nominated for best Iberoamerican picture at the 33th edition of the Goya Awards , which also acknowledged the work of Cuban dancer Carlos Acosta , nominated for Best New Actor for his work in Yuli .
The Latin American film El reino (The Realm), received 13 nominations and tells the story of Spanish corruption as interpreted by Rodrigo Sorogoyen .
There is also the comedy Campeones (Champions), with 11 nominations , while Carmen y Lola , a love story of two gypsy lesbians, and the thriller Todos lo saben obtained eight nominations each.
On the other hand, Carlos Acosta was nominated for the Best New Actor award for playing himself in Yuli , a movie that tells the story of how a child living in poverty grows to be a star of dance and the first black artist to become the lead dancer of the London Royal Ballet .
Nonetheless, Roma , by Alfonso Cuarón is so far the favorite among the finalists for Best Iberoamerican Film .
On September , the film won the Golden Lion in Venice . It was also nominated for three Golden Globes , one for best foreign picture, one for best director, and another for best screenplay.
Shot in black and white, Cuarón pours his childhood memories in Roma while paying homage to Libo, the maid that took care of him and his siblings, a character that was brought to life by the new actress Yalitza Aparicio .