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The latest film by Alfonso Cuarón , " Roma ," will represent Mexico in the 91st edition of the Oscar Awards and in the 33rd edition of the Goya Awards .
The news was announced today by Ernesto Contreras, president of the Mexican Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences (AMACC) , who stated that it had been selected from among 13 films registered for the Academy Awards and 12 for the Goyas.
Starred by Yalitza Aparicio, Marina de Tavira, and Diego Cortina Autrey , “Roma” tells the story of a middle-class family living in Mexico City in the early 1970s .
According to The Guardian , “Roma is his best film so far: a thrilling, engrossing and moving picture with a richly personal story to tell, beautifully and dynamically shot in pellucid black and white.