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México y EU tiene una área de negociación en seguridad: Martha Bárcena; “republicanos le tienen confianza a Harfuch”, dice
TEPJF ordena incluir a 112 aspirantes a elección judicial; fueron excluidos de forma indebida, argumenta
Senado alista reforma para combatir financiamiento al terrorismo y al narco; prevén iniciar revisión en fechas próximas
PAN cede sus comités como albergues para migrantes; Romero pide a Sheinbaum evitar guerra arancelaria con EU
“México no se raja”: Mexicanos se solidarizan con paisanos ante deportación masiva de Trump; respaldan a Sheinbaum
UNAM propone aumento del 4% en salario y 2% en prestaciones a académicos; falta aprobación del personal
Leer en español
Is Raúl Cervantes collaborating with the new government?
The former Attorney General, Raúl Cervantes, was seen walking around the National Palace on Monday, he was smiling while on his way to Carlos Urzúa's office, the Finance Minister. We've been told that the former PRI senator, who led a large part of the investigation of bribes from Odebrecht to PEMEX officials during Peña Nieto's administration, was discreet when he entered the headquarters. We've been reminded that Cervantes presented his resignation in October 2017, along with a message that made it clear that the Odebrecht investigation was about to end and that the future Attorney General could file the lawsuits , nevertheless, his successor, Alberto Elías Beltrán , didn't file any lawsuits and no PEMEX former official has been charged. Is Cervantes collaborating on this case?
Forced to be a senator
The Nayarit senator, Miguel Ángel Navarro Quintero , from Morena , can't wait to be granted an absence of leave to be appointed in another position, in order to be relevant next year, when the candidate to th e Nayarit government will be appointed for the 2021 election . The problem is he has to find a substitute first. Last week, the Electoral Tribunal rejected his attempt to declare the position as vacant, as the INE had requested. So the politician can't wait to leave for Nayarit but ironically, he is being forced to be a senator .
Marko Cortés and his dubious plan
We've been told that the PAN leader, Marko Cortés, is hoping that those who haven't decided their vote could save the elections in Baja California and Puebla because these are his first elections as the president of the political party and he doesn't want to lose or arrive in second place. Mainly because these are two emblematic states that have been governed by the PAN for years and if they lose, it would mean their national demise. Also, if the PAN loses the election , he will have a lot to explain because several governors supported him during the internal election are now expecting grim results. The bad news is, that Cortés seems to be unaware of, that it seems easier to win the lottery than winning the votes of the undecided .
Union leader wrecks havoc
Javier Villarreal
, the leader of the CTM in Sonora , is agitating the political waters in the powerful organization but at the same time, he threatens to begin a strike on 2,000 companies. We've been told that Villarreal wants to lead the organization. Local and federal authorities noticed his urgency to begin a strike for the alleged deficiencies at the IMSS and the unfair conditions imposed by the Infonavit , just like that. With his plan, he called the attention of Aveces de Olmo and businessmen from the area, which has a harmonious work environment.