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The ranch known as “ El Faunito ,” previously owned by Javier Duarte , will be turned into a hospital to treat patients infected with COVID-19 .

Javier Duarte
, the former Veracruz Governor, is currently in prison after being charged with organized crime and embezzlement.
Javier Duarte recently divorced Karime Macías , who is wanted by Mexican authorities. Macías currently lives in London, where she is facing an extradition process.
Recommended: Javier Duarte and Karime Macías finalize their divorce
The property is located in Fortín de las Flores , Veracruz , was lent to the Health and Public Security ministries.

The ranch was donated to the Ecology Institute to be used as a research center but the maintenance costs are too high and they have prevented its use.
The ranch has 15 bedrooms, two tennis courts, a soccer field, a swimming pool, and a jacuzzi, a wine cellar, and a chapel.
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The property is decorated with paintings from Raúl Anguiano, José García Ocejo, Luis Fracchia, and Alegre Reyero, as well as sculptures by Pedro Cervantes.

According to neighbors, the ranch was a favorite of Javier Duarte and it was the place where he chose to stay after he ran away from authorities.
“El Faunito” is valued at MXN $200 million.
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