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The organizers of the junior tennis circuit Rafa Nadal Tour have announced the tournament will not be held this year in Mexico.
According to the official website in Spanish , the organizers and Mexico's National Commission for Physical Culture and Sport ( CONADE ) made the decision based on the "high number of junior events to be held in Mexico this year " – including those of the Tennis Mexican Federation – which "complicated the scheduling of the Rafa Nadal Tour tournaments in the official calendar."
The first Rafa Nadal Tour in Mexico took place in 2017 and stood out for the inclusion of the promotion of values among the young players.
The Rafa Nadal Tour, running for the fifth time in Spain this year, will also be held in China and the United States .
The CONADE acknowledged tennis player Rafel Nadal and the Rafa Nadal Tour for trusting Mexico to become the first place outside of Spain where this circuit was held, and for their support in encouraging Mexican tennis players.