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Roberto Borge
, former governor of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo , was linked to legal proceedings for abuse of power and irregular performance in public office. He was sentenced to two years in preventive custody while awaiting the completion of the trial. He was accused by VipSaesa , an aviation services company.
The judge’s decision was given yesterday after a particularly long teleconference hearing which took place before a control judge in Chetumal , the state’s capital.
Borge’s defense attorney Guillermo Barradas had a choice to request for the court ruling to be postponed, but he chose to dispel the possibility by request of his client, who wanted the judge to issue a ruling during the hearing, which lasted more than 12 hours.
“According to a report received from the prosecutors at the hearing, it was the accused who requested that the trial be over so that he could be released that same day,” told Rosaura Villanueva Arzápalo, the state’s Anti-Corruption Prosecutor , in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL .
Borge’s claims were that the crime included in folder 151/2017 against VipSaesa had expired, and that the accusations made against him were not part of the request for extradition that was presented before the government of Panama. The former statesman pleaded innocent.
There are another two arrest warrants against Borge, who was arrested on June 5, 2017 in an airport in Panama . The warrants are of a local nature and Borge is wanted for embezzling and irregular performance in public office, in addition to the federal charges against him for illicit enrichment and money laundering.