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Con banda y canastas de frutas reciben a Sheinbaum en la Mixteca de Oaxaca; “llego con el corazón vibrando”, expresa

Comité Legislativo puede hacerse cargo de trabajo inconcluso: Morena; TEPJF puede dictar medidas de apremio contra PJ

Mexicanos sostienen la economía de EU, asegura Sheinbaum; “son lo que son por el pueblo trabajador”, expresa

Sheinbaum designa a Lázaro Cárdenas Batel para nueva Comisión en la Mixteca; atenderá a pueblos originarios
At least 19 presentations of alkaline water in Mexico , including Awa, Alkaline Water Infinit by Bonafont, Bavién, Energie, Gym Water Chic, Oxygenz, Novaliv, Sentia, Veen, Vika, Wion, and Zoé , have different traits than those indicated on their labels, according to Mexico’s Federal Consumer Protection Office (PROFECO) .
Only Zoé Water, Icelandic Glacial (allegedly spring water from Iceland), and Valley Foods did not offer additional benefits.
Following a thorough analysis of the products, the federal body determined that some labels offered incorrect information such as “oxygenate yourself!,” “alkalinize yourself!,” “balance your PH levels,” “balance your health,” “neutralize your free radicals,” “made with 100% natural processes,” “strengthens the immune system,” “eliminates acidity,” etc.
Other characteristics that could not be demonstrated were the elimination of toxins, the balancing of PH levels, balancing of cells, and the “intelligent” hydration of the body.
The Official Mexican Standard (051-SCFI/SSA1-2010) , which specifies general regulations for labeling in food products and prepackaged non-alcoholic beverages, indicates that “no claims can be made regarding product traits related to characteristics that the product does not posses, nor claims associated with the treatment or reduction of disease risk.”