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Since Saturday, at least 72 establishments have been suspended during the National Verification and Surveillance Program St. Valentine's Day 2018 , according to the Federal Attorney's Office of Consumer ( Profeco ).
Seafood Kilauea, Glee Peluches (Glee Plushies), Subway, Patio Food Garden, Florería Orquídea (Orchid Flower Shop), and Shanny Shabby are among the suspended establishments.
Profeco disclosed that suspension was reached since the establishments did not display or did not respect the prices , they did not provide any sales proof or they did not disclose the total amount to be paid .
The Federal Attorney's Office of Consumer has made 534 verification visits and it has sanctioned 92 establishments .
It should be noted that the cities with the highest number of suspensions are Mexico City (11), Jalisco (9), Nayarit (7), Chihuahua (6), and Chiapas (5).
Also, Lenten operation has started to monitor the unjustified increases in the prices of fish and shellfish, products of high consumption during vigil.