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Tras supuesto rechazo de avión con deportados, SRE asegura que hay buena relación con EU; “cooperamos con respeto”, dice
Clausuran temporalmente relleno de escombros en Jocotepec, Jalisco; Semartnat aclara que no hay permiso
FGR investiga a Mauricio Sahuí, delegado del Infonavit en Yucatán; está ligado al Cártel Inmobiliario de “Los Mañé”
Leer en español
The President's team has a scare
President López Obrador
's team suffered a scary accident when one on their trucks crashed in the limits between the states of Hidalgo and San Luis Potosí . Nor the President, nor anyone from his team was hurt but it was noticeable that the President's team was shocked . In the face of their reaction, some are wondering if a minor incident in a highway took them by surprise, will they be ready to face really risky situations?
Eva Galaz makes reproachable comments
The same week senator Eva Galaz called reporters “ retarded ”, the Morena senator with no legislative experience became Morena's uncomfortable member. This became evident when she was referred to as Eugenia Galaz in a statement. It calls for attention that hostility against her was shown through an internal political document. We've been told that her problems at the party go beyond her comments about journalists .
The PRI elections are coming
Things are moving inside the PRI . The call for new leadership will be issued on April 29 and the campaigns will begin on May 14. What is pending is the money that will be allocated for the campaigns . Will the PRI contenders show a new and different face or will we see the classic PRI propaganda the party has used since the 90s?
The UN will evaluate the National Guard
Michelle Bachelet, Chile's former President
and the current UN High Commissioner for Human Rights , will visit Mexico on April 5-9 and will meet with President López Obrador , and with lawmakers and senators . We will see what does Michelle Bachelet has to say about the recently created National Guard , since it was claimed it could be a danger for human rights .