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Today, Andrés Manuel López Obrador starts his second day as Mexico's President by asking society to wait another year for his government policies to show results.
In the last decades, few Presidents won the election and at the same time, obtained a majority in Congress . With this advantage, in the last 12 months López Obrador has implemented reforms he considered necessary for his government plan. Among other things, Congress has approved the fight against corruption , the austerity law, the expired ownership law, the cancellation of tax waivers , the fight against fuel theft , and designated tax and electoral frauds as serious crimes . Moreover, the triumph or failure of these reforms will almost exclusively depend on the President since he is almost the only government voice.
On the speech he pronounced on Sunday at Mexico City's main square, the Zócalo, he mentioned developments but acknowledged that there are pending issues in regards to economy and security .
Therefore, in order to demand results in regards to security and to protest against what they consider as authoritarian decisions , opposition parties and civil organizations protested in Mexico City yesterday, while the President read his speech.
Both groups took place without quarrels even when they were a few feet away from each other; this is something that should always prevail: disagree, voice their differences , and protest. This is people's right in a democratic society .
Some protesters, such as the LeBarón family , attended the protest with righteous demands after nice family members were murdered in November. This is a demand that can't be ignored.
Yesterday, President López Obrador said that “old things are not dead yet and new things aren't born yet.” There will be mistakes on the road, which should be acknowledged and corrected. During this process, it will be essential to have a government that is willing to collaborate. In 2018 , citizens voted for a change , precisely because they were tired of politicians who didn't listen.