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Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador resumed his activities and inaugurated the construction of the Mayan Train , a train that will connect resorts and archeological sites located in the Yucatán Peninsula to boost tourism .
During the public event, the Mexican President was visibly excited about the project, which he says will boost economic development in the area. The train will cost around MXN 27,000 million.
will build the first stretch of the Mayan Train . The company director Guadalupe Phillips was present during the event, where López Obrador said his government won't allow corruption , overprices, or delays in the construction, which is set to be completed in 28 months.
Recommended: Everything you need to know about the Mayan Train project
President López Obrador
appointed Daniel Chávez Morán as his representative, who will minitor the project, as well as Communication and Transport Minister Javier Jiménez Espriú ; Tourism Minister Miguel Torruco , and Fonatur director Rogelio Jimenez Pons .
Although the President asked people not to show up at the event amid the COVID-19 pandemic , inhabitants and union members were present to show their support.