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Alejandro Armenta: Vamos a defender con Sheinbaum a los migrantes; los poblanos son forjadores de “Pueblayork”

FGR asegura 15 mil litros de hidrocarburo en el Estado de México; deshabilitan dos tomas clandestinas

Marina asegura más de 240 mil cajetillas de cigarros apócrifos en el puerto de Manzanillo; el valor de la mercancía asciende a 19 mdp

Senadores del PRI exigen frenar propaganda de la 4T en Edomex; denuncian que imponer frases de AMLO como nombres de calles es una afrenta
Politicians criticize the Bioethics Guideline
More and more politicians are now criticizing the Bioethics Guideline , a document that is necessary for the decision-making process of healthcare workers during a public health crisis , however, it has been questioned because it prioritizes young people over the elderly when doctors don’t have enough resources to treat both. After all the attacks, health workers from the INER and the National Nutrition Institute have voiced their concern about politicians criminalizing a document that will be essential if the COVID-19 pandemic collapses Mexico’s healthcare system.
Recommended: The controversial Bioethics Guide
Mexico’s amnesty law
Sometimes, the decisions made by lawmakers have many reasons behind them. In recent days, many have linked this to the urgency of Morena to approve the amnesty law . Some wonder who are they trying to release from jail by using a humanistic project. Nevertheless, the answer is very simple: with almost 200,000 inmates , prisons are a time bomb amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Recommended: Amnesty law would pardon minor drug offenses and abortions
Lawmakers are back to work...sort of
Even though the lower chamber is now closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19 , we’ve been told that some of the lawmakers are still working. In the upcoming days, some will have virtual meetings with Labor Minister Luisa María Alcalde ; Energy Minister Rocío Nahle , and Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard . We’ve bee told that they will review the labor plan with Alcalde; the OPEC agreement with Nahle, and the agreement with China to purchase protective equipment and supplies with Marcelo Ebrard .
Recommended: COVID-19 sparks panic among politicians
Love in times of COVID-19
It seems like love conquers a pandemic. This was the case of Mexico’s consulate in Guatemala , where two Mexicans who live in the country got married with the help of the diplomatic team despite the restrictions imposed to halt the spread of COVID-19 and even when the facility was supposedly closed and it’s only working on emergency and exceptional cases. The good thing is that during the wedding, they did implement physical distancing and hygiene measures.
Recommended: In sickness and in health: Mexican couple endures coronavirus in cruise ship