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The Security, Energy and Environment Agency (ASEA ) decided to close the gas Usumacinta well 12, operated by PEMEX , and which is near the lake area in the Jonuta municipality after San José inhabitants denounced there were gas leaks in the installations.
The leaks could be creating pollution killing the aquatic fauna in the area, among them, the manatees.
In a statement released by ASEA , it was announced that after the visits carried out by federal and state authorities, and the fishermen, it was decided to instill security measures and its urgent application in the natural gas infrastructure. “The Usumacinta well 12 gas producer was closed, as it presents inadequate maintenance conditions; the closing will be permanent until the company fixes the infrastructure”, it said.
On August 9, after visiting Jonuta and Centla, where manatees have died. EL UNIVERSAL registered the leaks in the gas installations , and even when PEMEX denied it . Inhabitants denounced that this pollution is killing the fish, reptiles, birds, and cows.
Also, they will take samples at the Usumacinta well 14, as a preventive measure, to verify the mechanical integrity of the gas conduct, as well as applying anti-corrosive.
“Until now, the ASEA has visited and inspected 33 wells in the Hormiguero, Cobo, Usumacinta, and Comején”, said the organism.
The Azcam , (Zoo, Breeders, and Aquariums Association), an organism that has been filing lawsuits against lake and ponds contamination, celebrated that the federal government, through ASEA , has taken actions and started and to cancel the wells located in the Usumacinta river , in the Bitzales areas.