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Inicia funciones la Secretaría de Ciencia, Humanidades, Tecnología e Innovación; Rosaura Ruiz al frente de la dependencia
confirmed at least 13 workers who were deployed at the Abkatun-A offshore platform might have contracted COVID-19 and that 31 workers have been tested.
In a statement, Pemex and the government of Campeche explained that on April 11, authorities identified four workers at the platform , who appeared to be sick and were later sent to a medical facility to evaluate their health.
In a statement, Pemex emphasized its commitment to preventing the spread of COVID-19 among its workers.
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The statement explains that Pemex has implemented strict hygiene and health protocols , as well as random testing among its workers deployed to offshore platforms .
According to the oil company, it installed sanitary checkpoints in its facilities on March 9 and cleaned and sanitized buildings and other facilities. Moreover, it has adhered to physical distancing.
In addition to the measures implemented at Abkatun-A , Pemex will reinforce its hygiene measures at two other platforms: Zaap-C and MASE 801 .
Pemex has yet to confirm if any of the workers tested positive for COVID-19.
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