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's Attorney General's Office (FGR) is now investigating the alleged Pemex bribery scheme, used by contractors to negotiate and obtain contracts. Moreover, according to a former Pemex official who was recorded by two spies, some of these bribes were used to fund Enrique Peña Nieto 's presidential campaign in 2012 .
Federal sources told EL UNIVERSAL that an agent from the Public Prosecutor's Office is collecting information about the case, which could include Carlos Morales Gil 's intervention to obtain over MXN $2,000 million that were allegedly used to fund the 2012 presidential campaign .
According to the sources, the Public Prosecutor's Office is gathering information to determine whether a crime was committed and accuse those who participated in this bribery scheme .
spoke to Santiago Nieto , the head of the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), who said that authorities are currently expanding the investigations about the bribery scheme that operated in Pemex .
At the moment, Mexican and U.S. authorities are investigating corruption cases in Pemex .
Pemex is ranked among the top 10 polluters in the world
On October 11, The Wall Street Journal revealed that the U.S. Justice Department , the FBI , New York Prosecutors , and the Securities and Exchange Commission are investigating the Pemex bribery scheme after obtaining recordings where a former Pemex official tells former Mossad agents , who now work for Black Cube , about an extensive bribery scheme in Pemex.
Furthermore, the U.S. Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission are investigating another corruption case: the sale-purchase of Fertinal , moreover, these investigations include Enrique Peña Nieto , Mexico's former President.
In Mexico , the Attorney General's Office is investigating four different corruption cases inside Pemex : the purchase of Agronitrogenados and Fertinal , the oil company's link to Odebrecht , and the bribery scheme that benefited several Pemex officials and which allegedly funded P eña Nieto's 2012 presidential campaign .