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Delegación mexicana va a la COP29 en Azerbaiyán; promoverá “política ecológica y ambiental humanista” de Sheinbaum
Piden a Sheinbaum estrategia contra promesas de campaña de Trump; “lo va a cumplir”, advierten académicos de la UNAM
MC pide a “quienes tienen decencia” que voten contra Rosario Piedra en la CNDH; hay muchos “queda bien”: Castañeda
Outraged in 2018 but silent in 2020
In October 2018 , several Morena members who are now government officials or lawmakers were outraged because the Peña Nieto administration blocked migrants from entering the country through the southern border. But now that Porfirio Muñoz Ledo has criticized the National Guard , those who were outraged in 2018 stayed silent. Let’s not forget something Manuel Bartlett said about the PRI in 1999: “We have to react because we’re not going to kill ourselves by walking towards a cliff like a sheep, following the discipline of the party (…). Discipline is the soul of the party but if there is no party, discipline is our poison.”
Morena could be at peace soon
Although it seemed like the Electoral Tribunal revoked Morena ’s National Congress scheduled for Sunday, everything indicates the ruling party will carry out the event in Mexico City. The event will be attended by 18 state counselors, half of the members of the National Committee, and some national counselors. It seems like, with this, the meeting would be deemed as valid. Of course, not everything will be peaceful as quarrels are expected.
Where is Gertz Manero's proposal?
Mexico’s Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero was in hot water for a week, after he failed to present a proposal to reform the justice system but that was shared through social media, which alarmed the opposition in the Senate because it includes a counter-reformation. However, in the Senate, no one has revealed how López Obrador’s administration feels in regard to this attempt to dismantle the presumption of innocence . This way, Mexico could take a step back and move forward with the dismantling of the laws that fought against the fabrication of guilty parties .
Harassment and violence at university campus
Fernando Macedo Chagolla
, the principal of the FES Aragón , a university campus , has deployed an operation against the press , to prevent a feminist group from becoming visible. In his attempt to censor the press, the principal banned media from entering the facilities so that nobody knows that the female students have taken over several spaces to ensure their safety inside the campus. Instead of censoring the press he should explain why are there 122 harassment and sexual violence cases reported by the students .