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Elección judicial: Exfiscal Gilberto Higuera acude a entrevista para ser ministro; imagina una Corte abierta y transparente

Suprema Corte ordena revisar el feminicidio de Fernanda Cadena; madre de la víctima exige aplicar pena máxima

Ministra Loretta Ortiz se estrena como última presidenta de la Primera Sala de la SCJN; agradece “voto de confianza”

Confrontación en el Congreso por 100 días de gobierno de Sheinbaum; oposición critica seguridad y salud

Morena pide reforzar mecanismos para repatriación de niños migrantes; busca evitar que sean víctimas de delitos
The National Femicide Citizen Observatory ( OCNF ), the National Network of Civic Organisms of Human Rights for Everyone ( Red TDT ), and the Human Rights Cente Fray Francisco de Vitoria have asked the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , to set the eradication of violence against women in his agenda , at the same time, they denounced the omissions by the current federal government and the Internal Affairs Secretariat ( Segob ).
They explained that last May , they asked to meet with the Internal Affairs Secretary, Alfonso Navarrete Prida , to talk about the “ omissions, obstacles, and setbacks of the Conavim, especially the lack of the implementation of efficient Genre Violence against Women Alerts”.
They said that after three months of requesting the meeting, they haven't received an answer from the Segob.
In the face of the rejection, the organizations are looking to get in contact with the incoming government : “We encourage the incoming administration to face this issue , in order to avoid increasing the number of setbacks in the fight against women's policies”.
They asked the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , to strengthen the National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence Against Women ( Conavim ) so that its strategic function must be acknowledged, which would recognize women's right to live without violence.
“To the new Internal Affairs Secretary, Olga Sánchez Cordero , we reaffirm the importance that the Segob will be the organism in charge of coordinating and setting the Genre Violence Alert declarator y”, they said.