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The crafts of Olinalá, Guerrero , will be present at the 21st Meeting of the International Committee of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held in Switzerland.
Painter and craftsman Bernardo Rosendo Ponce attended the event with a lacquerware box made by indigenous craftsmen of the region of La Montaña, in Guerrero.
Mexico participates in this event – to which representatives of 100 countries attend – to showcase the crafts of the inhabitants of this community.
Moreover, the Mexican delegation will explain the project of rescue and preservation of this Mexican craft, which is based on the formation of new craftsmen under the concept of quality, as promoted by Guerrero Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores.
Ponce explained that Olinalá lacquerware is one of the 16 products protected by a designation of origin in Mexico.
During his visit to Switzerland, a video will also be played so the representatives of the other countries learn about the crafts of this indigenous community.