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IMSS official Claudia Díaz Pérez and the other three IMSS officials were temporarily removed from their positions. They were involved in the purchase of several ventilators from Cyber Robotic Solutions, a company owned by León Bartlett , the son of CFE director Manuel Bartlett
Amid, the COVID-19 pandemic, the IMSS in Hidalgo purchased 20 ventilators from Cyber Robotic Solutions; however, the equipment didn’t meet quality standards and the IMSS didn’t finalize the purchase.
After the purchase, authorities launched an investigation against Claudia Díaz Pérez, Luis Alberto Camargo Cervantes, Francisco Villeda, and Edgar Aarón Hernández Torres.
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The officials will receive 30% of their salary while authorities continue to investigate the purchase.
IMSS authorities
argue they purchased the ventilators from León Bartlett ’s company because it didn’t request a down payment and it would quickly deliver the equipment; however, it was later revealed that the ventilators were overpriced .
When questioned about the case, Díaz Pérez said the IMSS wasn’t aware Cyber Robotic Solutions was owned by Manuel Bartlett's son.
Recommended: The IMSS returns 20 ventilators to León Bartlett's company