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Mexico's Ministry of Public Education
( Secretaría de Educación Pública abbreviated SEP ) had a " remarkable progress " in preschool, technical and higher education according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) Report on Education for 2017 .
SEP assures that the results confirm "the progress of the Education Reform implemented by the current federal administration."
The Education Reform implied a series of benefits to the country since it has promoted technical education , the relation of young people with the labor market has improved and teacher salaries have increased in recent years.
According to the OECD, 32% of new students chose a university major in areas related to science , technology , engineering and mathematics , a figure that places Mexico 5% above the average and among the top six OECD countries in this indicator.
The OECD indicates that the proportion of young people aged 25 to 34 who do not have a high school education has decreased by 10% in the last 16 years , from 63% in 2000 to 53% in 2016 .
During the same period, the proportion of young adults who finished higher education increased from 17% to 22% .
The study highlights that Mexico is expanding access to quality pre-school education. In 2005 , only 69% of four-year-olds were enrolled in pre-school education, 7% below the OECD average, and by 2015 it reached 89% , two points above the OECD average ( 87% ).
According to the report, teacher salaries have increased in the last 10 years, since between 2005 and 2015 for pre-school and elementary school teachers, base salaries increased by 12% and for junior high school teachers 13%, without adding another type of benefits and incentives.