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The seventh program in the second season of concerts 2018 by the Fine Arts Chamber Orchestra (OCBA) is made up of a series of Christmas works by composers from the Baroque period .
The group directed by Jose Luis Castillo will present these pieces in two concerts on December 6 at 8:00 pm in the Manuel M. Ponce Hall at the Palace of Fine Arts and on December 9 at 12:00 in the Silvestre Revueltas Auditory of the National Conservatory of Music .
"The Baroque period was a very fertile stage for composers to write about Christmas, and at that time they liked to summon their audience during the holiday season. The seventh program starts with the baroque and concludes in the 20th century with a walk through Christmas of all times," said Jose Luis Castillo.
The public will be able to hear "Christmas Symphony, op. 1 no. 12" by Giuseppe Valentini; "Christmas Symphony, no. 1 S.130" by Michel-Richard De Lalande, "Concerto Grosso, op. 6 no. 8" by Arcangelo Corelli, and "Christmas Oratorio Aria BWV 248," by Johann Sebastian Bach, under Carlos Ramirez .
In addition, he will perform "Christmas Symphony" by an anonymous author; "Est iste in Ros'entsprungen" by Johannes Brahms; "Fantasia on Greensleeves" by Ralph Vaughan Williams, and traditional carols by various composers .
Castillo stated that the orchestra would perform music that appealed to the Christmas spirit while inviting people to reflect on the transcendental nature of said pieces. In the end, the music selection speaks for itself and tells a lot about the time when it was made.