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Th e federal government is investigating 10 companies that might have been involved in money laundering and which also suppliers for the “ New Alliance Party” (Partido Nueva Alianza) , an organization that lost its registry as a political party last year.
Documents obtained by EL UNIVERSAL indicate that the company Comercializadora Devolviendo Confianza is one of the companies that triangulated resources to launder money and that worked as a supplier for the PANAL , the political party created by Elba Esther Gordillo . This company has also been linked to the “ Estafa Maestra .”
Federal authorities
identified the companies Studio Originale Capisci México, Comercial Merchandise New Rise, and Publicidad y Servicios Monsterbal l are also part of this triangulation scheme. Guadalupe Melitón Hernández Beltrán is a shareholder at all these companies.
Authorities identified in only three months, Comercializadora Devolviendo Confianza r egistered deposits for MXN $37.5 million and cash withdrawals for MXN $29.5 million despite being created not too long ago.
Also, since November 2013, the company was registered in the SAT as suspended but between February and July 2015, the company received deposits for MXN $209 million and withdrew MXN $212 million without filing any tax declarations.
Elizabeth Mojica Solano
and Jorge Antonio Gómez García are shareholders at Devolviendo Confianza but during the investigations, authorities discovered that both names don't match with the birth dates provided in the company's documents, therefore, authorities believe that these two people don't exist and that the documents used to create the company are false .
In May and July 2015, Comercializadora Devolviendo Confianza received over MXN $4 million in cash in Tijuana , although its headquarters are located in Mexico City . The money was transferred by Studio Originale Capisci México , a supplier for Nueva Alianza ; nevertheless, when the money was sent, this company went into liquidation .
Studio Originale
filed tax declarations in zeros between 2011 and 2014 and went into liquidation on January 13, 2015; also. In 2014, it accumulated deposits for MXN $102.6 million. As a result, the company is being investigated fo r tax fraud.
Meanwhile, Comercial Merchandise New Rise is part of the investigations after it was discovered that it carried out unusual international transactions. Moreover, it was also a supplier for Nueva Alianza.
Financial authorities
identified that in less than six months, this company received USD $659,166 from Able Touch International Corp LTD , Orient Market Limited, and Modern State Trading Limited . These companies manufacture umbrellas, the second is part of the food industry, and the third one has been closed and its bank accounts are located in Hong Kong and Korea .
From July to November 20123, Comercial Merchandise transferred MXN $140.9 million even tho it had reported zero revenue that same year, therefore, it is also investigated for tax fraud.
The federal government found that Comercial Merchandise transferred money to 22 companies with bank accounts in the U.S., China, and Korea for over USD $100,000, which benefited 84 different people. It also transferred € 61,181.19 to a bank account in Spain , owned by Julio Antonio Fernández Arrubarena .
This company registered Pedro Chantaca Reyes as its legal representative , who was also a legal representative at Studio Originale, Publicidad y Servicios Monsterball , and Comercializadora Devolviendo Confianza . Therefore, authorities believe that these four companies are shell companies and that they are part of a money-laundering scheme.
In 2012, Publicidad y Servicios Monsterball, a nother supplier for Nueva Alianza, declared revenues for MXN $54 million but it declared it earned no money in 2013 and 2014, nevertheless, in 2014 and 2015, it transferred money and received deposits , which also makes it a suspect of tax evasion.
Comercializadora Devolviendo Confianza also transferred MXN $7,067,800 to Comercializadora HDP , a company that also worked as a supplier for the Nueva Alianza party ; the company also transferred MXN $6,388,920 to Comercializadora HDP , another company that worked as a supplier for the PANAL .
Nueva Alianza, the now-extinct political party
Nueva Alianza was registered as a political party in 2005 by a teacher association linked to the teachers union ( SNTE ), then led by Elba Esther Gordillo ; a group of teachers and business owners from the ITAM , and the Popular Indigenous Movement.
During the 2018 elections , the PANAL obtained 1.08% of the votes in the presidential election, 2.35% in the senators elections, and 2.53% in the lawmakers category; therefore, it lost its registry as a political party and the Electoral Tribunal ratified the decision in November 2018.