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INE debe determinar si Morena puede promover el voto en la elección judicial: Sheinbaum; “importante que todas las autoridades participen”
Respetamos críticas del EZLN, pero defendemos a la 4T: Sheinbaum; rechaza entrar en debate con zapatistas
MC se pronuncia tras agradecimiento de alcaldesa de Coalcomán a “El Mencho”; “nada impide que se investiguen los hechos”, dice
Gobernador de Michoacán exige investigar antecedentes de alcaldesa de Coalcomán; pide que renuncie a su cargo
En campaña aplicarán alrededor de 700 mil dosis de vacuna Patria; será administrada a personas vulnerables
There are 18 days left to appeal the Law on Internal Security and thus far no appeal made on the grounds of unconstitutionality has been brought before the Supreme Court of Justice of Mexico, according to the Court's president, Minister Luis María Aguilar.
Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto passed the bill last December 21, and pursuant to the Law, there are only 30 calendar days to file appeals, which sets the current deadline to January 20 .
The National Human Rights Commission , led by Luis Raúl González, and several national and international organizations have declared themselves against the law and claimed they would file an appeal to prevent the violation of the human rights of Mexican citizens.
Human rights organizations have pointed out there are certain ambiguities in the wording which would allow the intervention of the armed forces in any activity, as long as it is deemed a risk to internal security.