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Non-governmental organizations
( NGOs ) demanded the Ministry of the Interior ( Segob ) issue a Gender Alert in Mexico City .
In Mexico City, 260 femicides were recorded between 2012 and 2016 , according to the Francisco de Vitoria Center for Human Rights (Centro de Derechos Humanos "Fray Francisco de Vitoria") and the National Citizens Femicide Observatory (Observatorio Ciudadano Nacional del Feminicidio).
Boroughs with the highest number of registered femicides are Iztapalapa , 59; Gustavo A. Madero , 29; Cuauhtémoc , 24; Tlalpan , 22; and Coyoacán with 18 femicides.
The NGOs emphasized that due to the lack of diligence and gender perspective, as well as the omissions and negligence observed in the cases and the statistical analysis of impunity , they requested the Ministry of the Interior to issue a Gender Alert in Mexico City.
Additionally, they requested to update the standards of protection of women's rights .