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During a private meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador , Nestlé México announced the investment of USD $154 million in the creation of a coffee production center in Veracruz , where it will implement the most innovative technology to reduce the water and energy consumption.
The factory will have the capacity to process 20,000 green coffee tons per year and will operate under an advanced operational management system to comply with the highest quality and safety standards.
During the initial stage, the factory will create 250 direct jobs and 2,500 indirect jobs . It has the potential to generate up to 1,200 direct jobs and up to 12,000 indirect jobs by the time it reaches its third stage. The project also contemplates a program to train young people through dual training.
Fausto Costa, Nestlé México's chief executive
, expressed his desire, and the Swiss company's, to take a chance on the country and its talent .
“We feel very happy to share goals with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his team. We both believe in the relevance of supporting young people , where Nestlé has been a pioneer in the country,” said the chief executive.
“We also believe in the need to strengthen the Mexican field and the importance to accelerate the growth of the southern region. This new investment in Veracruz confirms our commitment with Mexico and its people, the economic stability and competitiveness in the country have been key factors to strengthen as Nestlé 's fifth most relevant market worldwide,” the company detailed in a statement.
In Veracruz , Nestlé buys over USD $1,900 million in products, from over 10,000 farmers in the region.
Through the Nescafé Plan program, the company has a presence in the main coffee areas in the state, in the central region and the mountains .
During the 2017-2018 harvest , Nestlé bought 340,000 bags of coffee , which is equivalent to 69 kilograms of coffee, which represents over 35% of the grain used nationwide and also provided technical assistance for over 5,000 coffee producers.
The new installation includes the use of clean energies , the treatment and recirculation of water after the process, the recuperation on 100% of the coffee bagasse to produce energy , and the use of 100% renewable electric energy.