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As part of the celebrations of the Mexican Gastronomy Day , the firm Kantar Worldpanel emphasized that without four ingredients that originated in Mexico , the world cuisine wouldn't be the same.
For Mariana Cruz , manager of Usage Food Panel , part of the agency that investigates consumer behavior, tomato is the protagonist of several dishes since; each week, 7 out of 10 Mexican families cook stews with it, that is, 19% of dishes include it.
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"While all the dishes called Mexican use this ingredient, international food such as pizza, pasta , and even hot dogs and hamburgers , wouldn't have their characteristic flavor without this Mexican ingredient ," she said.
On the other hand, beans are a legume consumed in 6 out of 10 families, at least three times a week and are present at Mexican tables 13% of the time.
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In the case of tortilla , a food made from nixtamalized corn , it has become a basic ingredient in the national gastronomy. It is used as the base of some dishes or in combination with stews, and it's consumed by Mexicans on a daily basis.
And lastly, avocado is used to complement various dishes, it's eaten in 27% of households each week. It is eaten mainly during meals and dinners, especially in sauces, such as guacamole .
Have you heard
Kantar Worldpanel
highlighted the Mesoamerican origin of these foods, which were used since pre-colonial times, and which has crossed borders to enrich world cuisine.