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Diputada del PRI propone reforma para que servicio social cuente como experiencia laboral; insiste en hacerlo obligatorio

Ante medidas anunciadas por gobierno de EU, PAN urge plan integral; exige compartir estrategias implementadas

Siguen conversaciones con administración de Trump, dice Sheinbaum; “estamos obligados a tener una buena relación con EU”
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Morena is getting ready to celebrate
The President 's team known the constitutional reform for the creation of the National Guard basically approved since 18 local congresses have approved it. In fact, we've been told that Morena 's parliamentary group in the lower chamber will announce it is constitutional and then notify the Senate , then Congress will inform the President and it will be issued. Nevertheless, we've been told that the Interior Minister, Olga Sánchez Cordero, plans to wait for the voting to be over and for the 32 congresses to approve it so they can celebrate. How will they celebrate? We've been told they will all celebrate on Tuesday, along with President López Obrador.
The government will fight for abortion
In regards to the mission assigned to the Interior Minister, Olga Sánchez Cordero , we've been told that the federal government will take advantage of the International Women's Day to invite lawmakers from all the country to support an initiative to approve a single criminal code that allows abortion to be legal in Mexico . The task won't be easy, as there are cases such as Nuevo León , where the Congress approved a law to ban and criminalize abortion yesterday . We've been told that the legislation that protects life since conception is highly restrictive. The battle won't be easy.
Fake news surrounding supreme court nominee
During decisive moments, hours before the Senate approves the appointment of a new Supreme Court minister , we've been told that there is a lot of fake news confusing the position of one of the three contenders in regards to abortion and adoption by same-sex couples . Those close the magistrate Yasmín Esquivel Mossa had to reaffirm that what she said during a meeting with senators was that in regards to abortion , she would respect the jurisprudence issued by the Supreme Court in the sense that the criminalization of abortion is unconstitutional; and in regards to adoption by same-sex marriages , it's necessary to follow the requisites established in the Civil Code, that can be fulfilled by any couple, without distinction, and therefore, excluding same-sex marriages would be discrimination. We've been that the new minister will be appointed by the senators but it's necessary to clarify the positions of each contender, especially in regards to such a delicate issue.
Who is the President talking about?
Many are still intrigued by the words of President López Obrador about the opposition. Those close to him say that since most of his political life was spent as the opposition, it's difficult for him to identify who represents a legitimate opposition and who pretends to be the opposition to obtain benefits. It's worth to reflect on what he said days ago in Chihuahua when he asked people not too boo the Governor : “The opposition deserves more respect that then despicable ones. If Javier Corral questions the federal government, he has the right to dissent,” he said. Who was the President referring to? To the Governors who simulate a good administration and cover up corruption? To the real power that conspires from the shadows? Who is it?