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For a long time, it has been clear that the state of Morelos is going through a social crisis sparked by the insecurity that has struck the state. A few weeks ago, violence reached its peak when several gunmen attacked people who were participating at a public act in downtown Cuernavaca , in the presence of media outlets , police officers who were monitoring the event, and hundreds of citizens who were attending the event or were just walking by.
This incident seems to be the final straw and an event that showed the new audacity levels reached by organized crime in the state. Violence and crime have reached such high levels in Morelos that it is believed that one in every three inhabitants has experienced violence .
In the eve of the 5th March for Peace , the call made by the archbishop of Cuernavaca, Ramón Castro Castro , was striking, since he begged the members of criminal groups to change their lives and fear God . According to the archbishop , the state is besieged by organized crime and impunity ; according to him, 95% of the crimes perpetrated in the state are left unpunished. The religious minister also claimed that half of its 36 mayors are being extorted , either by threats or because they made pacts with the criminals in order to obtain financial resources for their electoral campaigns. Insecurity has reached such alarming levels in Morelos that Governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco declined to participate in the event after he was allegedly threatened by criminal organizations .
and insecurity in the states are the responsibility of local governments. While the states don't take charge of creating security conditions and police corporations with the capacity to fight crime , the decrease in crime and violence will be hard to achieve.
In the state, society has been demanding peace to the local government . In Morelos , as well as in other states that register high crime rates , society's demands should turn into an incentive to fight crime . The majority of people want a peaceful environment and should not modify their lifestyles for security reasons . It is necessary to remind this to all governments, as many times as needed.