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Consulados preparados para defender dignidad de los mexicanos, afirma De la Fuente; protegerán derechos de connacionales

“Amenaza de deportaciones es real”, dice Ricardo Anaya; hay ingenuidad en gobierno de México, señala

Suman tres periodistas asesinados en cuatro meses; México, de los países más peligrosos para el periodismo

Alianza de Medios MX condena asesinato del periodista Calletano de Jesús Guerrero; pide revisión de los esquemas de protección

Vinculan a proceso a integrantes de “La Línea”, brazo armado del Cártel de Juárez; les imputan delito de intento de homicidio
In order to analyze and resolve some of the critical issues for the modernization of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mexico and the European Union , the Mexican Minister of Economy, Ildefonso Guajardo, has traveled to Brussels, Belgium, seeking to reach some agreements.
Amidst concerns regarding the protected designation of origin of some beers, meat, and dairy products, Guajardo will attend the seventh round of negotiations taking place from December 19 to 21.
According to a press release by the Ministry of Economy, the Mexican Minister will meet with the EU Trade Commissioner, Cecilia Malmström , to analyze the most critical issues of the negotiation and “ find the balance to conclude this process.”
The Minister of Economy will also meet with EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, to analyze several topics of this industry which are to be added to the Free Trade Agreement.
Two weeks ago, Guajardo claimed the deal is “in the final stage" with the negotiation and closure of the most complex issues such as the protected designations of origins, brand recognition, financial services, and investment disputes.