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Félix Salgado a favor de la ley contra el nepotismo; asegura que no trabaja para la gobernadora Evelyn, su hija

“Si reforma judicial avanza, avanzamos todos”: Yasmín Esquivel; busca que justicia sea de puertas abiertas

SCJN responde a Sheinbaum tras acusarla de obstaculizar elección judicial; asegura que se redujeron en un 50% sus sueldos
On Monday, Canadian mining firm Silver Bull Resources said in a statement that it has temporarily suspended work at its Sierra Mojada project in northern Mexico due to a blockade by a cooperative of local miners.
Silver Bull
said it is in an ongoing legal battle with the cooperative, called Sociedad Cooperativa de Exploración Minera Mineros Norteños , which “illegally blocked” access to the project before a final court ruling is issued on the conflict.
Silver Bull is exploring for silver and zinc at the project.