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Clima hoy en México: ¿Adiós frío? Pronostican ascenso gradual de temperaturas; habrá lluvias en algunos puntos del país

“Me parece una película todo esto que vivimos”; Marino Arturo Zacarías relata el fin de su pesadilla a manos de rebeldes hutíes

Aumenta 144% detención de niños mexicanos solos que cruzan a EU; su trayecto los convierte en blancos del crimen
One of the topics that has divided Mexico and the U.S . is migration . Excluding the Second World War , when both countries reached an agreement for Mexicans to work the fields in the U.S. from 1942 to 1965 and although the migration of workers to the U.S. has always been officially rejected, it has always been secretly accepted by employers in the U.S.
Unfortunately, due to the lack of agreements that recognize the need for workforce in the United States , Mexican migration takes place with very few guarantees. Those who decide to migrate risk their lives by walking through the desert for hours or by running into agents from the Border Patrol . Thousands have died in their attempts to enter the U.S.
In recent days, the differences between the two countries have become more evident because of migration , but not for the exodus of Mexican citizens but for the thousands of Central Americans in Mexican cities near the U.S. border and for thousands of other concentrated in migration stations located in Chiapas , waiting to continue their journey up north.
U.S. President Donald Trump claims Mexico is doing nothing to contain the flow of migrants and warned that he could close the border this week if Mexico doesn't “immediately” stop illegal immigration . On the other hand, Mexico recognized that in February, at least 76,000 migrants were detained in the U.S. after crossing through Mexican territory and “in March, they will be over 100,000, many of whom entered the country in a caravan .”
The clashing opinions: zero tolerance from the U.S. government and that of open doors but with certain regulations from the Mexican government. The U.S.' official opinion lacks the support of the political majority . From this perspective, the Mexican government was right in establishing bridges with other interlocutors that are key in U.S. politics . Members of the U.S. Congress met with President López Obrador and expressed that it is ideal that both countries build bridges, collaborate , and do what is best for the relation.
The solution can't be reached unilaterally or through violence . Also, it is not an issue for two countries, but for the entire region, since the migrant caravans have formed outside Mexico and the U.S. In the discussion regarding the migration phenomenon, there are other actors who are left out and should be included. The development of Central America should be a priority.