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INE estima entre el 8 y 15% de participación para la elección judicial; hasta 10 minutos para emitir un voto

Sheinbaum ordena abrir programa especial en el Consulado de México en Los Ángeles; será para mexicanos que perdieron empleos por incendios
The Hay Festival Querétaro 2019, a literary and cultural festival , will present writers Michael Ondaatje, Diamela Eltit, Alejandra Costamagna, Lina Meruane, Elvira Sastre, Antonio Ortuño, Yuri Herrera, Vivian Abenshushan, Yásnaya Elena Aguilar, and Élmer Mendoza ; journalists Jon Lee Anderson, Pablo Ordaz, Pablo Ferri, Óscar Martínez, and Joe Sacco, and Nobel Peace Prize Juan Manuel Santos.
The festival 's fourth edition will take place from September 5 to 8.
Besides the writers and journalists , other personalities will also attend the events, including Tatiana Clouthier, Diego Luna, Izzeldine Abuelaish, Ben Rhodes, and Baltasar Garzón.
The event celebrates literature, ideas , and reflections and will offer over 90 activities .
The event will discuss key events and movements , such as the #MeToo movement , the current government , nationalism in the 21st century , the Mexican army , the American dream , the 30,000 people missing in Mexico , among other topics.
The program also includes c oncerts, exhibitions, workshops, and special events for children, teenagers , and students .
You can purchase your tickets here .