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Due to the new travel restrictions in the United States because of the COVID-19 outbreak , Soccer United Marketing in coordination with the Mexican Football Federation (FMF) has announced that the Mexican National Team’s MEXTOUR March matches have been canceled.
Although the objective was to play against Italy, Germany, or the Netherlands, the Mexican soccer team will play against two other European countries .
The Mexican Soccer Federation confirmed the two rivals for its friendly matches that will take place next March in the United States, organized by Soccer United Marketing (SUM) .
Did you know
The Czech Republic will be Mexico’s rival in the match to take place on March 26 in the Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, NC. The match will begin at 19:30 (Mexico Central Time).
The Czech Republic, that will be competing in UEFA’s Euro 2020 , has faced Mexico once, winning 2-1 in 2000 as part of the Carlsberg Cup in Hong Kong.
Mexico will also face the Greek soccer team in the U.S.
Did you know the
Both friendly matches will take place in the framework of the event called MexTour in Dallas, Texas where the members of the Mexican soccer team will be present.
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