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El primer megapuente de 2025 se acerca; ¿cuándo inicia y qué estudiantes tendrán descanso de 4 días?

Sheinbaum reitera protección a maíz mexicano; iniciativa enviada al Congreso rechaza siembra de trangénico

SIPINNA se suma a estrategia “México te abraza”; presenta recomendaciones para proteger niñez y adolescencia migrante

CEPL, en espera de orden del Tribunal Electoral; busca asumir proceso interrumpido del Comité del Poder Judicial

Tras sanciones de Trump a Colombia, Sheinbaum dice que hay que respetar a todos los países; “me tengo que informar bien para poder opinar”
Mexico's National Football Team has landed on Russian soil and Juan Carlos Osorio , the team's coach, said he was thrilled to participate in this, his first World Cup and in Mexico's opening match vs Germany.
“I think we are as prepared as we need to be, over 50 matches played; we have everything to give a great game against the favorite, not only in this match but throughout the World Cup."
After being welcomed by their hosts, the National Football Team immediately headed for the Dynamo field to begin their final training.
“This was the welcome we were given at the Base Camp. The World Cup is around the corner!” reads this tweet.