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Tras reunión con Sheinbaum, INE pide ampliación de 1 mil 500 mdp para elección judicial; pagarán salarios
Elección judicial: Exfiscal Gilberto Higuera acude a entrevista para ser ministro; imagina una Corte abierta y transparente
Suprema Corte ordena revisar el feminicidio de Fernanda Cadena; madre de la víctima exige aplicar pena máxima
Ministra Loretta Ortiz se estrena como última presidenta de la Primera Sala de la SCJN; agradece “voto de confianza”
Confrontación en el Congreso por 100 días de gobierno de Sheinbaum; oposición critica seguridad y salud
The MACHACA music festival , one of the most important shows in northern Mexico will feature some of the freshest and most popular music genres this year.
The festival’s eight edition will have audiences dancing and cheering with the best of rock, pop, and cumbia sonidera music on June 22 at Fundidora Park in the city of Monterrey .
Ska-P, Mago de Oz, Bobby Pulido, Los Ángeles Azules, Jaguares, Gwen Stefani, Bad Bunny, Zoé, and Gente de Zona
are part of the line-up, though more artists may be added to the list soon.
The famous festival has gathered over 200 music bands and 300 thousand people in previous editions , offering a unique and unforgettable experience.
You may purchase your tickets here .